Vegetable Soup, Frugal Friday Recipes with your budget in mind.

Frugal Friday Recipes with your budget in mind.

I asked on Facebook in a group I am in if people would be interested in some frugal recipes. I had a wonderful response to this and decided to do a Frugal Friday. I will post every Friday a recipe for an inexpensive meal to make at home. As I love the vintage recipes and because the era of waste not want not seems to have passed at times many of these recipes will be old but a few will be newer or of my own.  I will also be doing other posts of money saving tips, hints, and crafts both for home and homeschooling as well as anything else I find that is interesting. We all could use to save a little money. Our planet could use us all to not throw away as much and recycle and repurpose.

To start off I have a few recipes I found in a yard sale find cookbook. The book is from 1968 and has several recipes marked as "Economy Recipe".  I found it strange a few of them because the tables have flipped some. Cuts of meat deemed cheap 50 years ago are now "coming back" into style and considered gourmet and expensive if you don't get your meat in the right places.  Where as items we pay low prices for were extravagant in that era, this is mostly spices which we can buy even at dollar stores.

Soup bones can be purchased in most food stores at low prices and some butchers will just throw them in for you for free as so few care to buy them any more. Though I think that may change as I am seeing bone broth coming back into the public eye.  If you do not want to buy a bone and boil out the oh so good for you nutrients,  a lb. of beef cubes and 2 quarts of water with bullion (follow bullions directions) is more then adequate. 

Serve up with a good biscuit and enjoy!

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