Celery Seed Dressing, Vintage recipe, fruit salad

The play of sweet to savory seems to all too often be forgotten with modern foods. Everything is sweetened here in America even things that shouldn't be. That was not always the case. This tangy dressing, that today would be put only on a green salad was actually for fruit. All of it's elements would suggest savory salads now a days but they knew back in the day that sweet elevated savory and vice versa. Often unused now a days are celery seeds themselves. An almost forgotten ingredient lost to "progress" in the kitchen.  Though seeds are not unheard of in dressing the usual suspects are poppy, sesame or chia as they are the popular varieties.  Salad oil is an old phrase for a lightly flavored oil, usually a vegetable oil of some sort was used. I use a mild olive oil in recipes that call for this.

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