Fried eggplant and how to store it for later, FRUGAL FRIDAY

So not all money saving recipes are vintage but I guess this is, as it was handed down through my step grandfather to my mother and on to me. He learned from his mother and grandmother, so yeah it's a long beloved family classic.  These slices of eggplant are given a coating of flour (wheat or rice) then dipped in egg wash and coated in bread crumbs. In the picture below, gluten free crumbs were used but use what you eat.

So this is easy. Coat, dip, coat,  fry in oil. Serve hot with a quick salting, or layer with tomato sauce and mozzarella and parmesan  cheese for eggplant parm. We have also used these as the base for eggs benedict, sandwiches with cheese and sauce, and as the base for a twist on a caprice salad.

Now for the harvest time money saving bit. Fry up a ton of this and lay them out on a cookie sheet. Freeze over night or until fully frozen and put in a bag in the freezer. For later use. I heat mine in a pan but they are ok microwaved too.
Despite all my cooking all 2 hours of it and 6 yrs 6 big eggplants being cooked I only ended up with one sheet to freeze. The kids ate it all 😂

Right now eggplant is in season, though still over $2 a lb. in the food store our local farm had a box full (about 10 huge fruits) for $3.  Not to mention people giving them away and what not. Packing and freezing them now saves money now and time later.

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