Unique Walnut Spread, appetizer, sandwich, snack vintage recipe
In the depression error there were many things that people didn't have just sitting in the kitchen to use. So recipes like this one were thought up to use what they had in the tastiest way possible. Anyone who had nut trees would have an abundance of them to use and from the notes in the binder this one did just that. It also used "stale, ready to feed chickens bread as long as spot free" I believe spot free would be no mold.

In the end this comes out to be a tangy walnut butter of sorts. I am not sure if it was created to use up old bread or extra nuts but it is certainly a different type of recipe then modern cooks would use.
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In the end this comes out to be a tangy walnut butter of sorts. I am not sure if it was created to use up old bread or extra nuts but it is certainly a different type of recipe then modern cooks would use.
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