Out of this world Coffee cake ~ Kugelhupf

As a child my neighbor still had tea each and every afternoon of the work week with the other ladies from the Fire House's ladies auxiliary. They sat around the table with their tea and snacks smoking cigarettes and gossiping about the town folks.. lol  I know that memory might date my age a bit but it is one of my fonder memories. Coffee Cakes of all kinds were often made and brought along. Each day a different lady would make the snack, there was 8 regular ladies so this was about once every other week.  We as society have lost this here in America. How many women are even home during the day to have this little social exchange. They sat around for about an hour sometimes two if there was something really good to talk about. Now social is Facebook or a text not so much face to face. I truly believe this is a loss. I dedicate this recipe to those ladies, all but one is gone now sadly, but they live on in the memories of those who loved them.  

1 yeast cake is equal to 2 1/4 teaspoons dry yeast. Now a days we have all sorts of fruit bit mixes so let the experimenting begin! Not to mention this goes well with canary cream..mmmmmm!

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