Changing up the classics!

This little piggy went to market....

We all know the classics, we teach them to our kids and have fun tickling their toes. Then one day they are "too big" for little toe tickles and when it's the last kid this can be quite a sad realization, but that doesn't mean these fun ditties are off the table.  Bring on the classics!

A fun way to get your kids into writing is to get them to play with the classics. Have them imagine new scenarios, modernizing the old songs and verses. 10 little monkeys may be jumping on a trampoline or little Miss. Muffet is eating frozen yogurt. Bring forth your children's imaginations with challenges.

Who can make the most changes?
Who can make more unique versions?

These can be so much fun and as you go lesson can be automatically put in. "This is a haiku," all of a sudden every time they hear that poem they remember what a haiku is. Rhyming, synonyms, antonyms, all sorts of English and language arts are learned!

Learning made fun sticks longer then watching the clock tick!

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