Ooey gooey gluten free chocolate banana cake

I am always on the search for gluten free cake recipes that both taste good and aren't as dry as desert dirt.  I have been playing around for months and then it dawned on me. What's moister then a tres leches cake? So here is my yummy, yummy version of the milk soaked dessert. I gave it a trial run at our church and since the last piece was dueled over with an arm wrestling match I would say it was a winner! 

Now I used the cake mix as called for except I always use milk instead of water, you can use water but I don't like to it's a consistency thing.

Ingredient list:
1 Gluten free chocolate cake mix (and ingredients to make it)
1 can condensed milk
1/2 c heavy cream
2 cups heavy cream (for topping)
1 package Banana pudding mix (gluten free)
2 banana
1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)

Make cake according to box direction and once pulled out of oven poke it with a skewer all over. Lots of little holes. Don't worry no one will see this so let it get crazy.

While cake is baking start the leche or milk to pour over cake.

can condensed milk
cup heavy cream

In a sauce pan mix together the milks and warm through, reduce by 1/3 and pour over the poked cake. Let the cake sit in fridge for at least 2 hours or until all milk is absorbed by cake, if you need to let it sit over night.

Super simple pour the 2 cups of heavy cream and pudding mix in a mixing bowl. Whip like you would whipped cream and spread on cake like an icing. Do not over whip, it whips quick and no one wants banana butter. Note this is my favorite icing made with any flavor pudding by the way and  we have over whipped before. It is basically flavored butter at this point and yummy on pancakes so don't toss it if it happens.  Top with slice banana and chocolate chips.

This can be adapted with any flavors you want. Switch up the cake flavor the pudding flavor the fruit toppings all of it.

Switch up ideas:
vanilla cake with lemon topping
Strawberry cake with chocolate pudding

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