Scrumcious Salt Water Taffy

Salt Water Taffy 7 oz.I have to admit I am stuck at the beach in my head. I miss living close enough to go down the shore anytime I want. Now we live 4 hours away and it just saddens me, thinking back to all the good times we had down there. As teenagers there was many a day and night spent hanging out at the boardwalk. One of our favorite Jersey treats was and still is Salt Water Taffy.  All the pretty colors and flavors to choose from!  I was thrilled to find in that binder a recipe for this tasty candy. One day I won't be on a diet and I can eat it too!

If you make caramel at home like I do this is really just the next step in candy making.  Do be careful not to burn yourself, this is hot sugar remember. Safety first and if making with kids do so with old ones.
Then there is the ability to change it all up! You can add food color for identification purposes when playing with flavors. Now flavors you can use so many variants. Either with food coloring or essential oils rated for internal use. The combos are unlimited!
My favorites:
  • Anise
  • Strawberry
  • Lemon
  • Clove
  • Orange
  • Spiced Orange (cinnamon, clove, orange)
  • Butterscotch
  • Maple
  • Honey

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