Reflections of A Homeschool Mom

This week my first baby turns 18! The last year has been a hectic mess of driving tests, college applications, jobs and friends. Excuse me, when did I get old enough for this? Is this really happening? Oh no... I'm old!

 This morning I was in a Facebook group just looking through hoping to catch some ideas for my younger kids and I took a moment to answer a question that was put out there.  It started me thinking about this homeschooling road we have been on for almost  9 years now. Has it really been that long!

We didn't start out in the home. We knew there were learning issues to deal with and we went into kindergarten ready to fight for everything this kid needed. By fourth grade I was done fighting the schools. Done with IEPs that weren't supported, done with condescending teachers and done with the anxiety it caused my poor chicky. I pulled her and her sister out and jumped into homeschooling via a cyber school.

I had no idea what I was actually jumping into. I asked people, had advice, guidance and support but seriously still had no clue. It was easier in some aspects. I was scared I wouldn't hit all the correct benchmarks when needed or I wouldn't be able to keep a schedule. I, as an artist figured crafts would be easy, music no problem! Ok so maybe not .. lol Hardest for me though was the doubt of people in my family that I was doing the right thing. Making the right choices, even though we have done wonderfully they still doubt and it still hurts. Somethings don't change I guess.

Over the last 9 years the cyber school has changed into a completely different program which shaped our decisions through the years. As they came to the high school years I gave the girls the choice of how they wanted to continue schooling.  One kid stayed in the high school online, another wished to go to a Vocational school where she is doing amazing.  The younger two, still too young to choose, are still homeschooled but with the advent of common core, which we did try first, we left the cyber school to do our own thing.  What I do now is nothing like when we started. It has grown into it's own entity.

9 years, we did trips, crafts, science fairs, dance classes, had a new baby, lost our home in a flood, rebuilt our home, lost loved ones,  started new schools, started college early via duel enrollment and so many more things. I actually love that Facebook has a memory reminder because it brings up pictures of things I did with the big kids reminding me of them, giving me more to do with the younger two. I have been blessed with this chance to spend so much time with them. I have gotten to be with them for all of their moments of growing up and changing just as I will continue to do gladly.

I have changed. This experience hasn't been life changing just for the kids.  I learned to have confidence in myself.  Gained patience I wasn't sure I could find. I climbed out of the box of tradition and have seen how much more the world holds for me and the kids. It has inspired me into taking online classes, to continue my education with them. Making me a better role model for all four of them. As we come to all these new situations I will also learn some hard "Mom" lessons. To let go, to miss, and to connect in new ways. Growing up is hard.

I sit now oldest here with me as she is ordering her cap and gown for graduation from the cyber high school. This kid I had to fight over in every IEP meeting in the public school has accomplished so much. She lost her insecurities and anxieties, adapted to a learning style that works for her.  Works for her in an amazing way. This young lady has had the grades to earn trips through the school to far off countries, started college as a junior in high school at age 15, and now has earned scholarships to her choice of college. She has the confidence to make that choice, one that moves her to a new school hours away from us and I know we have worked on and given her the skills to do this successfully, as she has done everything else.

I look now at the other three kids. The second oldest is already making college plans and forming her future in her mind and aiming her learning towards those goals. This amazing kid with her own set of learning struggles that left her catching up so often has made some well thought out decisions about her future.  Already she has been successfully working towards them and we had the privilege of watching her get awards from the FFA last week. This chicky will make her future her own, no stopping her.

The younger kids are here and ready to be shaped into strong young women as well. Ideas of the future are starting to bud as we hit middle school age with number three.  Four is just starting this road and all the wonder and firsts are happening all over again. I can't help but ponder where this homeschooling road leads over the next decade or so we still have. It's just as amazing as when we started!

Note ~ That lovely scene is a picture I took at the soon to be attended college when we took a tour there.

Update 2/22/18
I wanted to add to the list of accomplishments this last almost year. My college kid was accepted into a special leadership program and inducted in to the national honor society.   Second kid is going strong and out on college tours as I write. Mean while the third kiddo is making a name for herself locally winning first in the science fair. They never stop amazing me. 


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