Gluten & Dairy free Jelleid Fruit Ginger Mold, Vintage dessert recipe, Low carb, keto conversion

I know this recipe falls into the old joke of "everything Jell-O" from the 1950' There really was a lot of them and many of them I have to say scare me a little bit. This one though is actually very good. It is from a book made by the Firehouse wives from the town I grew up in. I remember a neighbor would bring it over to everyone and anyone who was sick and part of the fire house. I actually asked around for this recipe and had a lady from the "house" email me this copy of it. She said it was in a fundraiser cookbook they made in 1958 and the recipe has always floated around. It was then re-used in another book they did in the '80s. She did not say which copy this scan was from. I was looking for it because our house has come down with the flu and I was just in need of a little "home comfort" from childhood. A unique feature to this recipe is the fact that once cooled the gelatin is whipped to be light and airy giving this molded des...