Take me home again Meatloaf

My 11 year old was looking through this cookbook and stumbled upon this recipe. Meatloaf a beloved but not often made food. Between the gluten free and low cholesterol we don't make recipes like this very often.  It is now on her list of recipes to make. Side note I have each kid cook one night a week. This is homeschooling 101 for math and home ec. skills. Also I know when they leave here they won't be living off of ramen noodles with ketchup. (1 of my oldest's friend sent me a picture of his first made at college meal and yes his ramen was covered in ketchup) I have found a gluten free bread crumb that we like very much and all my life this was basically the recipe my Mom used except that she used spicy V8 juice sans tomato soup.

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