Where to put Money into your DS biz

One of the issues many people have when starting out with a DS company is spending way too much money on things they don't need to spend it on.  I know all over online you are all seeing cute little things made up to boost your sales. Gift crafts, bundles, baggies, car magnets and more. Now I am not trashing any of these. They are all good ideas but in the beginning before you have customers it is best to start off with a more realistic budget and plan.  Having a ton of stock is great if you do events or have a good customer base, but if you have neither who will you sell it to?

Budgeting is #1 here.  Make a few sales and use 10% of your earnings to promote your business and or buy stock. Now as you grow so will your budget organically building it's self up.

So what do you start with?  Promotional items but not expensive ones.  Your sales books are a must. They are your store.  Labels for your books and products. Packs of labels are cheap per label and give a clean professional look. No need for expensive software Avery.com has free templates.  Here you can also make up business cards, fliers and introduction slips.  Samples are another good start. For your business find the cheapest samples and share them. People like to know what they are buying. If they do not have samples or it's cheaper buy full size and offer it's use. I personally buy a bottle of each of our new Avon perfumes and just bring the bottle with my for customers to try.

Crafts and cute gifts are great but do not go overboard at first in making these things. Buy enough to make 1 of each craft you want to make. See the cost, determine if the time to make and the selling price are worth it. Then offer for folks to order them. Get a feel for what your customer's like. I have learned the hard way that what I think is cute online often doesn't sell to as many people as I had hoped.

Do spend money on an item each order you can wear and or share.  People see you using your products makes them more prone to buy them because they see you stand behind them and use them. Think those boots are cute, get them and wear them everywhere. Have books or in the least a card with your website to give to anyone and everyone who asks about them. Have an order book ready to offer them up on the spot.

Simple is often the best way to start. Going over board is a trap too many new rep.s fall into. Be wary and vigilant.

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