Lipton Soup Mix Vintage Recipes

To say it simply the Lipton brand instant onion soup has been a kitchen staple for many decades. The top recipe here in this magazine clipping is for what they called then, California Dip, is as iconic as it gets. Most often referred to as just onion dip you are hard pressed in the area I grew up in and the area I live now to not find this at every party, get together or just as a household snack. We top hamburgers with it as well as hotdogs. (In our house it is the movie night go to) Usually the center of a pretty serving dish surrounded with an array of  veggies or just in a bowl with good old potato chips it is always there! I have never seen it, until this advertisement, with shrimp! On this page from an old magazine there are some lost recipes to use said dip and or it's left overs. (Is there ever leftovers?)  Of coarse deviled eggs would be awesome!  Chicken salad, sure why not!

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