Non traditional homeschool subjects

Homeschooling is very adaptive in many ways. One being that we can teach our children things that are not traditionally allowed in public schools.  We are not restrained by state and federal tests that schools teach to pass. No anti religion laws, we can celebrate holidays, we have no time restraints, theory restrictions and we can study up on any of the other subjects they aren't allowed to learn in classes.  Sometimes it's not about not being allowed to teach some subjects, its about the schools not having the time after teaching for tests to teach more in depth on subjects. They may learn about the periodic table but not about it's creator, how elements are added etc.

The arts are being cut every year a little more. Quickly the classes many of us took in school are no longer available at all.  Languages also are being cut down to just the "popular" ones. Many American schools only offer Spanish as a second language and maybe one other.  So that leaves homeschoolers around 6000+ other options to teach.  Seriously look it up!

There is also the matter of subjects being taught in a way we disagree with.  I have one kid who decided high school was a path to be tread outside of the home, (I give them all the choice at this age).  The history teacher has been teaching about WWII in a way we do not agree with. This teacher has made it clear that the Holocaust "wasn't as bad as it's made out to be.."  Having had family in concentration camps, both Jewish and American soldier, I have a strong issue with these statements. We certainly do not teach it that way at home.  As homeschoolers we have the ability to teach our children the way we see things, not to say we shouldn't teach them that others feel differently, but our views and morals.

Biographies on people, both modern and historical, don't seem to be taught anymore. I remember doing more then a few back when I was in school. We did artists, scientists, explorers, politicians and pretty much anyone who has made a difference in the world. I mention this separately because these reports or studies overlap every single subject.  Everything we teach our children there is an individual who created, found or perpetrated a significant moment of that lesson matter.  This includes the studies on the jobs these people did. There are jobs go with any subject interest.  From archaeologists to zoologists there are millions of jobs people do that kids and even we do not know exist.

Non-traditional Subjects:

Herbs and their uses
rock hounding
survival skills
traditional crafts (knitting, basket weaving, wood carving)
musical instruments
karate - physical and historical
automotive skills
carpentry skills
living skills
banking (why this isn't taught I will never understand)
animal care
business skills
voice lessons/singing
every holiday on the calendar has traditions and history to be learned
your own religion, stories, beliefs

There are many more, this is just a taste of the things we can teach that brick and mortars do not, cannot or are losing over time. 

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