Magical Slime

Science can be fun! Chemical reactions aren't always bubbles and explosions and in this case it makes a gloriously, sparkly slime.  The water really needs to be warm for the best reaction
  • 1/3 c of liquid sparkle glue
  • ½ tsp borax
  • 1 cup plus 1 tbsp. very warm water
  • Food coloring (pink, purple, green)
  • Cups and craft sticks for mixing
  1. Pour glue into a cup and add the tbsp. of water and food coloring and mix well with the craft stick. It is important to do this step first.
  2. Add borax to the remaining cup of water and mix until borax is completely dissolved
  3. Pour the borax water into the glue mixture and stir vigorously, the  mixture will start to immediately thicken and ball up.
  4. Keep stirring until its so thick you can no longer stir. There will be water left in the cup.
  5.  Remove it from the water and start kneading with your hands quickly until it no longer sticks to hands. About 5 min.
  6. Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
For multi colored make several batches in colors of choice and then twist them together.  More sparkle can be added to the mix before  step 2. Variant, use several shades of green for camouflage slime.

Things to discuss:
What is a chemical reaction?
Predictions of what will happen.
What did happen?
Study textures before and after.

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