Advertising that is affordable!

It doesn't matter if you are advertising your business, event, or fundraiser.  Advertising can be expensive.  Newspapers, Social Media, Radio or web, they all cost money and when starting out people don't always have the money to put out. You don't need to though.  There are ways to advertise on the cheap side to free.

5 Free ways
1. FaceBook. Start a page and share it everywhere. Put it on your brochures, fliers everything. Search out local pages to your area and join in FB hops and page shares. The more people who see your posts on this page the more FB will share your page. All free. The same goes for other Social Media.  Pinterest is a great place that links people back to your website.  Again free to do and hits thousands of people. (for fundraisers there is usually pages specifically for fundraising) Do check if your company has rules for your posts as Avon does.

2. Create a blog and post about your products, deals, sales and what not. There are free blogs such as this one you can use.

3. Cross promote the social media. You pin something have Pinterest connected to FB so it shows it. Post your Blogs to both.

4. Freebie ads in the paper which are usually free to do. You don't need to give things away. Offer free info on your products or recruiting info.

5. Digital Business cards. Create a "card" that you can text to people when asked.  This is great because when you ask if you can text them your card, which they will not lose, you get their number as well for your contacts.

5 Affordable Ways

1. Grab some pens ( I grab out of clearance about two weeks after school starts and the packs are under $1).  Print off labels or if you can open the pen and if it has a clear chamber print a slip of paper with your info,( Name, company, phone number) and stick it to the side or slip the paper inside the chamber.  Gives these out. This will cost pennies to having them printed on.

2. Buy bright colored card stock and print off book marks to give to people at events, shows or in orders. Have your information on them.  One can print 5 a page so a 20 pack of cardstock at the Dollar store will print you 100 book marks. Business cards and labels can be done as well

3. Printing services can be found cheap to free as well. Call your local vocational school. Some of them are looking for projects for their printing programs. This could be anything from license plates to notebooks or biz cards and shirts.

4. Bubbles. Those little wedding bubbles are cheap to buy and a simple printed label (address labels fit) will make them a great promotional give away or at least keep little kids busy while mom shops. Just use a wide tape that goes over the label neatly to make it water proof.

5 Affordable and in thought of

1. If doing gifts always have a card or even a slip of paper in the gift with your info, I put a brochure in mine.

2. Write your website on the bottom of everything you give out, business or not. Yes when you pay that bill put in a business card or just write the website on the bottom of the bill.

3. Cross promote. Offer to hand out other peoples' cards if you can put your info on back.  I cross promote with a local company. We each hand out cards with the others info on the back and give a 5% discount to anyone who says they got the card from the other.

4. Get in contact with a local realtor. Many give their customer's lists of local businesses and see if you can get your name and info added to their list.

5. Ask your customers for referrals.  Word of mouth really is one of the best ways to get yourself out there.

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