Nit No More

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Now I homeschool my kids but that doesn't mean when I hear the "L" word I don't involuntarily shiver from head to toe then go home and wash everything!!! I do! Lice, no one wants to hear that word from other moms at a birthday party or church like I did over the weekend.  The thought gives me the hee-bee gee-bees.  Yes, I took my kids home and washed all their clothes and made them take baths immediately.  I use the Skin So Soft Original Bath Oil for flea prevention on the animals just like so many people do. What people don't realize is I use it for lice prevention as well.  We add a cap full to the shampoo and conditioner, a cap full to each load of laundry (dilute in warm water first) and use the body wash and lotions. All have that wonderful scent that screams clean and wards off the buggies.  Avon doesn't sell Skin So Soft for this purpose but I use it for this purpose. 

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