Why I sell Avon

I started this job with Avon in 2011.  That's what is was then a job, maybe even more like a hobby to help take some of the financial stress off of our family.  It was easy I could do it while still being home with the kids, three of whom I homeschooled at the time.  With a one year old in the stroller I began handing out books to people I saw regularly. Friends, people at dance classes and girl scouts.  I made enough money to pay for what we.. ok I purchased each campaign.  Slowly I built up to a nice number of regular customers. Making enough to not only pay for what me and the teenagers wanted but the households daily bath and beauty needs with extra cash left over. If any of you have teenage daughters you will understand that is a feat! 
In 2013 I started a small team of my own.  I will admit I wasn't as into as I should have been and because of that I lost my team. Some just stopped, some faded off. I didn't pay enough attention and I knew it. In 2014 I couldn't deal with that failure. I had let myself down by not paying enough attention.  So I put a little more into it. I decided I would recruit more, go out once a week and actively look for new customers be it at vendor shows (my go to by the way) or walking around talking to people at the park. My team began to grow. My customer base began to grow.  I hit sellers clubs and unit leader,  then unit leader plus.  My team went from a couple ladies to three generations of sellers in my down line.   Checks began to come in from my team sales and I now had more then a little extra cash left over from my sales.   I haven't put that much time into it really. An hour a day to label books, make calls and advertise online.  4 or 5 hours once a week at a vendor show or 2ish at a park or other place the kids can play while I wonder around talking to people.  Twice a month I make deliveries. I try to make them all in one day on a circuit or set them up to give to folks when I see them in our regular schedule, for example dance class.  This takes me an additional 2-3 hours mattering on how many orders I have. So all in all I average 50-55 hours a month, yes I said month.  Less then even a part time 20 hour a week job. Now around the holidays these hours were up as I did vendor events weekly and my orders were larger with gift shopping customers, that's a good thing! With four kids extra money for Christmas is a bonus.
My financial reasons have changed, 4 years ago I wasn't thinking about kids shopping for cars and colleges. I am now! So yes I will be building up my Avon team, building my business even more..lol   That is one of the best parts of Avon. It adapts to my needs. I have not had any regrets about joining this team of remarkable sales people.  Folks have been selling these products for almost 130 years, it is a legacy I am proud to continue.   My only regret was not taking my first team seriously, a failure I will not repeat.
If you think this may be the option for you or have questions about it please comment below with an email address and I will gladly get back to you. If you know it is the option for you feel free to sign up under me and I will help you build your own business!


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