My job is my second family!

So my job is I am the Avon Lady!  Yup this jean and flannel wearing Mama sells Avon.  Well,  not only sells.   I am also a unit leader, meaning I manage a team of people who sell under me.  People sign up with me and I help them get started, answer questions and what ever support they need.  I'll admit when I started this home biz leadership wasn't where I was going,  but it is where I landed. 

"What do you do really? "  the question I get asked all the time.  I am a salesman by trade. I open my book or e-store up to family, friends and anyone else I meet.  I show them items, give samples and sell, sell, sell my heart out.  That is the simple answer.  I actually do quite a bit of advertising on and off line.  Shop around for events to set up at and work at.

As well as manage my team and my own business paperwork.  I answer questions, go to meetings and help people run their businesses.  I remind people when orders and payments are due.  Let them know our deals to advertise as well as the incentives they are eligible for.  Pick up their spirits during rough times and congratulate them on the good, yup the Mom of the upline! 

That's what I do. I sell things, build teams and support them. Best part I do it all from the comfort of my home.. well and wherever else I go.

Follow me on Pinterest, Google and Facebook!

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There are links in my blog posts. Some lead to affiliate pages or my Avon shop. Monies/rewards may be earned off any purchases or sign ups done through these links.


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