How to choose a DS Company for you!

Many people nowadays are out looking to find a job or to make a little extra cash.  They look up work from home sites and Direct Sales companies (DS) and can very easily become confused and overwhelmed by the amount of companies  they find.  Befuddled by the choices of how to sell, be it directly, door to door,  through parties or online.  Do you have to work events, do fundraisers or have stock? So many things to think about.

A smart way to start is to make a check list of questions and answer them honestly.

1. How much do you have to invest?  DS Companies usually have kits to start you off with.  Some offer specials, some have different packages to chose from.  Companies have recruiting  promos or e-commerce kits that can be as low as $1 or have kits that can start you out up at $500!  Though the range is broad the standard is $50 -$200.

2. It's not just the money you are investing though. Decide how much time you have to put into this business.  Some companies you have orders every 2 weeks, others orders' can go in whenever. Some have quotas to meet while others are happy if you sell $30 a year. The more time you put in the bigger the business you will have, the less time the smaller. What are you willing and or able to put into it.

3. What are you willing to do?  Personally I don't do door to door or parties.  There isn't anything wrong with selling that way but both are just out of my comfort zone. I don't want to do that, so I don't.  I like to work events and vendor shows, I like to give out books and sell online.  That's what I do.  When choosing a company first find out how they sell. Do they do parties, only online, events or just from books and fliers?  Is it a company you can do all or none of those things at?

3. Very important, what do you like?  If you hate the products a company has don't sell them. If you love them, sell them!  Also think about what you yourself will use because if you have stock you are going to end up with items you don't sell and will keep for yourself (this is inevitable). They may be products you buy all the time and the discounts given to a rep will help you with your regular budget.  Also think about if you will be comfortable selling the products. Adult toys are fun yeah, but it takes a certain type of person to walk up to someone and ask them about their sex life and or listen to people talk about their sex life.

4. Make a list of who you plan to sell to and talk to them or at least a sampling of them.  See if they already have a DS rep. from the companies your interested in selling.  If the products are something they will in fact use or be willing to have parties with. Market research. There is a reason big companies shell out millions each year to have it done.

5. Last research the company's policies.  How are you paid? How are taxes handled? Do you get credit with the company or pay for items upfront?  Are there restrictions on what else or other jobs you can sell or have? Do they test on animals or use controversial ingredients and are you ok with the answers you find?

Once you have these answers you can get out there, find, and build your business! 

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