Camp fire Baked Potato Shoestrings great side dish for campouts and bonfires

I love when I find old recipes with notes. It means someone liked it enough to adjust for themselves and make often. Hint that means it's usually a good recipe! This called to me. Yes I am a keto dieter right now but potatoes are my downfall. Stereotypes sometimes come from reality and yes this Irish girl loves her taters. One cannot really go wrong with potato and cheese really. This is a camp fire recipe all the way! It can also be made on the grill or in the oven at 400 F for about 45min but that loses a little of that smoky taste. Follow me on Pinterest , Google and Facebook ! To become an Avon Rep please click here for more info and to sign up. There are links in my blog posts. Some lead to affiliate pages or my Avon shop. Monies/rewards may be earned off any purchases or sign ups done through these links.