Is it worth it?

I got asked over the weekend if "selling Avon is even worth it?"  I have been asked this many times and always my first answer is "If It wasn't I wouldn't bother with it!"  

This time though the person asking me used to sell Avon herself. She made it clear that it wasn't worth it all.  This made me angry and sad all at the same time. So I began asking her questions. I was nice about it too!
Me: How often did you go out to give books?
Her: No,  I refuse to buy books I was there to make money not spend it!
Ok what is wrong with that statement! Everything. There is no business without some overhead especially in retail and honey your book is your store. No store, no sales, period. Seriously how do people know what you are selling if you don't show them what you sell! (not to mention even if you don't order books we always get a couple free ones in our orders so why not use them?)

So next question.
Me: Sooo you only promoted your estore?
Her: I sent an email.  If they want to get a hold of me people know how.
Yeah... not how it works lady. People forget, you only know such and such amount of people, no one knows what the sales are, or what new products you have or anything!!!  5 minutes a day to advertise on Facebook and other social media doesn't make for a laborious day folks.

Last question I asked.
Me: Did you do anything to promote your Avon Business?
Her: No I figured that's what the company is for...
I wanted to scream. I didn't, but I wanted to.  I could see why she failed, it wasn't Avon that failed her, she failed herself.

It really doesn't matter what direct sales company you sell, you are an Independent representative. Key word there INDEPENDANT!  The company doesn't do it for you. It's not a scam where you pay some guy $15 and make millions in returns. This is a business that you work from home, key word WORK.  No it is not hard work, actually it's not only easy it's fun, but no one is going to do it for you. The only way to earn money is to work for it. Personally I make a comfortable amount of money and I work part time hours. My life is hectic so no it's not 9am to 12pm and I am done. No, I deliver orders in between dance classes or post on Facebook while waiting for hubby while he's in the Dr. Office or while I drink my coffee in the morning.  People call or text at really random times that fit their schedule to make orders and I'm ok with that.  I feel sick I don't work, I have extra time I go and hand out books some where. During the busy bits of life I don't go out as much, during the holiday season I am out every weekend. That's how I do it, but I do it. No one is going to do it for you, no one.

I offer the opportunity to be an Avon Representative to everyone. Those who do good are the ones willing to put a little time, a little elbow grease, a little bit of themselves out there. These folks are big sellers, team leaders and successful business owners.  I am one, you can be one too!

There are links in my blog posts. Some lead to affiliate pages or my Avon shop. Monies/rewards may be earned off any purchases or sign ups done through these links.


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