Direct sales tips for Holiday selling

Stores and Direct sale folks do well selling through out the year but nothing like they do during the Winter Holiday season. From Mid-October through New Years the time to sell is on.  The time to compete is on as well. Everyone is trying to get the best deals out there and many are willing to shop around for them, not to mention blow out sales like Black Friday that have now become sales for the entire season. Here are a few tips for direct sales during the holidays to boost your sales.

1. Get yourself out there.  This is pretty basic with direct sales in general. If people don't know you sell it they won't buy it. Plain and simple.  Leave your books, promotional fliers and business cards everywhere with all your info and website. Give books out at craft shows, vendor events and other holiday functions.

2. Send an early holiday card to your customers, friends, family, acquaintances, or even your dr. office. Make sure your website and contact info is included and any really good deals or coupons your company, (or yourself), is offering.

3. Offer a few incentives. Top buyer for that campaign/week, gets a prize, first order gift, any orders over $100 gets a gift. Make people want to buy from you before a store.

4. Text reminders that orders are going in. You won't believe how many people in the rush of the holidays forget to order. (old school phone calls are good too)

5. Make sure that with your own holiday celebrating you have your books out. Don't be pushy just leave them on the coffee table or bathroom. Talk about it and mention you have a book if anyone wants to look at it. Impulse buyers are you know Aunt Em can't help but buy when it's in front of her, put it in front of her!

6. Offer incentives to pass your books around. A 10% off next order coupon for any new customer referrals. This is good for new recruit referrals as well. Let someone else do your work for you!

7. Show your stuff off. Now is the time to have a cash and carry open house, cookie exchange, wine and dine event or whatever.  People are looking to get gifts and many don't want to deal with the craziness of the stores.

8. Wear it, use it, bring it with you! If you have a lovely statement necklace, nail polish, fragrance or hair accessory from your business wear it. Every compliment you get say "It's from....... I sell it if you like"  Going to a potluck style gathering use those dip mixes, spices, platters and serving wear to show them off in an unfussiness like fashion. Not only does it bring attention to your products but for people who can't see it in use until it's in use this is a great sales tactic.

9. Give it. Especially early gifts, give small things to teachers, friends, etc. Let them know you can put sets together for them to give as well. Not to be mean but this works well with men who have no clue what to give or how to wrap it and if they know you A. can do that, B. will do it for them, C. will pay a little extra for you to do it, go for it!

10. Discreetly put your info in every gift you wrap up. Be it a label on the bottle for re order, a card in a gift basket or so samples in a basket with your info on back. If they got it as a gift and want more you want them to come to you!

Looking for a direct sales company to join, look no further. Our family sells offers several opportunities. My own Avon is an amazing company and can be sold within minutes of joining on line. Or Shop Avon.

Lilla Rose also has a website for you to sign up on and begin selling right away.  All of these companies offer free websites to get your holiday sales going immediately as well as great discounts on your own purchases making it a great option for your own shopping.

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There are links in my blog posts. Some lead to affiliate pages or my Avon shop. Monies/rewards may be earned off any purchases or sign ups done through these links.


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