Black Friday Deals at Avon

Thank God it's Black Friday Deals!

Here are the deals and their codes for when you are shopping Avon this Thanksgiving! Starting today and going through 12/1/15!

November 24-25
FREE Skin So Soft Soft & Sensual
4-piece set with any $50+ order

  • Thanksgiving & Black Friday
    Thank-You Deals

    November 26-December 1:
    Free shipping on ALL orders
    + 20% off all $40+ orders
  • PLUS**
  • November 26-27
    FREE Striped Train Case with Skin
    Care Travel Set with any $65+ order
  • November 28-29
    FREE Merry Makeup tote with
    gift set with any $60+ order
    Use Code: GIFTSET
  • November 30-December 1
    Cyber Monday Steals

    FREE tote filled with top-rated Avon
    products with any $65+ order
    Use Code: CYBER2015                  

Sometimes you want to give a gift that can help pick someone up and out of their situation. Something that will keep giving, keep them above water and give them a purpose, or you yourself are looking for that thing. Let that be Avon. Becoming a representative is more then just a little extra money. It's a family who is here to help you be what ever it is you want to be. We have reps who buy just for themselves and reps who pull in 6 figures annually. Give the gift of a career by signing up with the 1 company that has been supporting those who need it for 130 years!
Note you must have the person's permission top sign them up!


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