Why I sell Avon

I started this job with Avon in 2011. That's what is was then a job, maybe even more like a hobby to help take some of the financial stress off of our family. It was easy I could do it while still being home with the kids, three of whom I homeschooled at the time. With a one year old in the stroller I began handing out books to people I saw regularly. Friends, people at dance classes and girl scouts. I made enough money to pay for what we.. ok I purchased each campaign. Slowly I built up to a nice number of regular customers. Making enough to not only pay for what me and the teenagers wanted but the households daily bath and beauty needs with extra cash left over. If any of you have teenage daughters you will understand that is a feat! In 2013 I started a small team of my own. I will admit I wasn't as into as I should have been and because of that I lost my team. Some just stopped, some faded off. I didn't pay enough attention and I k...