Purple Poke Cake Vintage Jello Recipe, dessert to make with kids

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Purple Poke Cake Recipe from the land that fell in love with Jello! Ha ha ha I know it's a running joke of the vintage recipe world how many of them had gelatin in them, but this one I see. In fact at the last spaghetti supper fundraiser at our church 3 different flavors of this cake came in to be dished up and sold. Yes everyone of them was eaten before our sell off sale.

It's because it is so simple and colorful that this is still made. Just poke holes in your already baked cake mix cake, pour on the jello and then after a rest top with some whipped topping. It's a great recipe to make with kids.

There are hundreds of variations to this as you can switch up cake flavors and Jello flavors. The biggest seller at the last dinner was in fact the two chocolate cakes. One with cherry and the other strawberry. I would bet raspberry would be good with chocolate as well. We also had a Pina colada version with a coconut cake with pineapple Jello.

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