Baked beans side dish for your next barbeque! Frugal and fun food

The slogan on this recipe may have past it's expiration date and cause a stir among some crowds but that doesn't make this very interesting side dish any less tasty! Serve up baked beans, inside of an Onion! Canned beans make the filling up but if you need it to be quicker or are camping a can of baked beans can be subbed out easy. This is both frugal and fun and would be great at any backyard barbeque or gathering.
* 6 onions
* 2 lb. worth of canned beans (about 3 cans)
* 3 tbsps. fat or oil (for frying)
* 1/2 green pepper sliced
* 1 c ketchup
* 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Cook onions for 20 minutes or until soft enough to pull out centers, microwave can be used but times will vary. Place hollowed out onions in a baking dish or cast iron pan. Chop onion centers up with pepper and fry them until just browned. Add all other ingredients but the beans. Fill onions with beans leaving extra around the bottoms and pour sauce over it all. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes and serve.

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