Avon Lingo for the New Rep

So you're a new rep and you are all over the internet looking for how to's and what not.  There are thousands of posts on Facebook, Pinterest, Google and more.  Like all things the Avon folks have their own lingo for their business and one can get confused by this. So let's go over a few of them to get you in the know how or update you  older reps.

ALMA~ Which is the Avon Leads Management Application.  This is an app used to keep track of recruiting leads as well as a lead share program. Note the lead share has to be earned and said earnings need to be maintained.

Avon University~ This is free video training found in your header on youravon.com.  Short features that teach the basic how to's on through introduction of new programs and products.

Bombita~ Also known as goody bags, promo bags or tossing bags these are promotional bags that contain all or some of the following items: Business card, recruiting flier, brochure, samples and some even put a candy or treat in theirs.

Brochure~ Your brochure is the book you buy as your "store" it is your catalog. each lasts for 1 campaign but can be backorded from for the next 2 campaigns as well.

Campaign  ~  Our selling window for each brochure. They are 2 weeks long and are based off of your RPS 

Cusp sales ~ Sometimes called Hot Points.  This is a point where it becomes worth more to buy something small for yourself or stock to reach the next sales level. Say you need $1 more to make 30% of sales ( you have $149 in sales)  well in this case you will make 50% more by spending an additional $1. The math $149 at 20% = $29.80  now spend and extra $1 to make it $150 sold at 30% which is a total of $45. So that dollar spent earns you $14.20 more!

Deals Central ~  A tab where products that have been over stocked or pulled form the books are sold to reps and deep discounts.

Deal Of the Day ~ Found in deals central these are usually products or bundles of products that are going out of circulation, having a remodel of the packaging or over stock. As reps we get these at very good prices but only for that one day.

Demos~ In your kkit you will find a "What's New" catalog. This is your way of buying a new products before they are out to show off at a discounted price. There are limits. New reps will only get 1 of each but as you rise through the seller's clubs you will earn more demos.

Direct Delivery~ Sometimes you'll see this as a DD.  These are orders placed through your estore and delivered by the company.

District Manager~ DM for short is Avon Corporate's person located in your area. They are not your upline but help to build up sales and recruiting. They hold meeting and event as well as answer questions and help as a liaison with corporate. 

Downline ~ The people you have recruited to sell Avon and who are on your team.

E-store ~ This is your website that your customers can purchase from you at.

Four A's of Avon ~ You will see this symbol on some of our products. It is an older logo that has made a come back and stands for a long standing motto ~ Anywhere, Anytime, Always, Ask.

Leadership ~  When you recruit and manage a team of Avon representative earning a percentage of sales.

Onward~ This is a Facebook page led by a top seller in the country. It has become a place online for reps all over the states and some from Canada to share ideas, tips, wins and fails. 

Power of 3 ~ Business method where you promote your business by speaking to 3 new people each day.

QuickPay ~ Avon's easy payment set up.

Recruit ~ Recruits are the people you bring into selling Avon. You go out and find these people and sell them on the job. 

RPS ~ Is the Representative Processing Schedule. To keep things running smoothly different areas are given a schedule as to when their orders are due and shipped. 

Self Appointment ~ A recruit who signs up online at your estore

Seller's Clubs ~ For those who work hard and make the sales they are rewarded with being in the Seller's clubs. They start with President's Club or PC and then go up the ranks to Inner Circle. Rewards such as set percentages, higher demo limits and special demo pricing are all part of the perks.

Title ~ The name of each step on the leadership scales. Titling up means you have gone up or been promoted so to say. One can lose title as well by not maintaining their team and it's sales.

Tossing ~ When brochures or Bombitas are left or tossed into drive ways,.  always check your local laws on this please.

Upline ~ Also referred to as your leader or unit leader, this is who signed you up and is the first person on the ladder you ask questions to.

Web office ~ Or back office or YA, is youravon.com. This is where you manage your team, place your orders, check out the deals of the day and more.

If you got through this and are ready to sell good luck! If you haven't signed up to be a rep yet please join me on my team here!


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