Where to begin

The new fad is all about adults coloring, and doing Zentangles. As a therepy I began doing this type of art work several years ago and it's really one of my favorite things to do. Often when I am working an Avon event and it gets super slow I whip out my sketch pad and draw away. Yes I carry a pad and sharpie in my purse!  People always seen so amazed at what I do though to me it's just the everyday, something that I use as a stress releif. This weekend at a cupcake and art lunch (for kids it was paint a picture and eat cupcakes so much fun!) I was having a conversation with a therapist who suggests zentangling to clients but admitted she has no idea where to start them. My suggestion was to simply grab any coloring book page and fill it in. In demstration I grabbed a coloring page from one of the art tables and just started filling it in.
We'll in my ocd way I couldn't not finish it so after picking it up here for 10 minutes or there for a bit I finished. This was my results and I hope that those who are looking to start tangling but aren't sure where to begin get a little inspiration.


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