Low carb, keto crust less asparagus quiche

Ok this one is mine. The doctor has given me a new diet to "help" my sugar issues and so we begin another round of new foods and adjustment. Not being so far off from the last diet except that I can actually add a few things back in, this one is ok. So I played with my quiche recipes to make something I could leave in the fridge for quick meals. I made a huge 12"x10" pan of the stuff which was a good idea since my littles are devouring it. This is very low carb but, high fat so make adjustments for whatever diet you are doing or not at all and just enjoy the yumminess!

Now a key to making crust free and being able to get it in and out of the pan neatly is parchment paper. I line the pan with it and once cooled I pulled the whole quiche right up and out of the pan and cut it into squares. I got 12 nice serving size squares but made a second and cut them much smaller for an appetizer and got a good 60 pieces.

  • 2 dozen eggs (ours are farm fresh and range from very small to quite large)
  • 3/4 c heavy cream
  • 2 bunches asparagus cleaned and trimmed (about 2 lbs.)
  • olive oil
  • Montreal steak seasoning
  • 5 strips bacon browned and crumbled
  • 8 oz. of Havarti cheese cubed small
  • 8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese (I used a very sharp local cheese)
  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1 clove of garlic minced
  • 1 tbsp.. spoon chili pepper paste (optional)

I pre heated my over to 350 and then lined my pan with the parchment paper and lined up the asparagus along the bottom. I alternate the direction I place the stalks so as to even the layer out on the bottom. If you have a couple extra just lay them on top. A quick drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of steak seasoning go on the stalks and I place the pan in the oven as it begins to heat up. Just a little pre-cooking of the veg.  I then get to cracking eggs and mixing in  the cream and spices. (adjust for your own flavor likes)
once all done I pull out the pan of asparagus and sprinkle on first the crumbled bacon, then the Havarti cheese. I pour the egg mix on top and let it settle for a min. and then sprinkle with the cheddar cheese on top. I then bake for 30-40 min. until brown on top and it doesn't wave or jiggle in the center when given a little shake. Let sit for a few minutes before cutting or until fully cooled.  Serve as breakfast or any meal it makes a great brunch dish.

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