Making Money being an Avon rep

Love Avon

I get asked often if I make money selling Avon. Seriously, if I didn't make money I wouldn't be doing it, period.  Now I do have to work for it, nothing comes for free and this is a job. Yes, yes some people do it as a hobby, some as a full time job, most land some where in between. Making money with Avon is all about how much you put in to it.

Second question I get a lot is "how do you make money with Avon?" This isn't as simple of an answer as there are several ways to make this work, as well as secondary forms of money "made" .    Everyone gets that this is a sales job, we go out and sell Avon products be they from catalogues, websites, events or fundraisers. That's the main job. That has been the main job for almost 130 years.

Then there is leadership which you can chose to do, and I chose it.  So a rep builds a team of people who sell under her. She/he gets bonuses, percentages and incentives to do this. The more people on the reps team,  the more the rep earns. It's basically a management job from home, that simple.

Now secondary isn't quite making money. Have you ever heard the old stand by "a penny saved is a penny earned" ?  That is the other money. Buying our household items at my discounts (I of coarse wait for the sales, I am pretty cheap) has saved our budget quite a bit. We get our bath products, hair products, hand soaps, personal care items and many gifts with my discount which for me is 40% off! Why buy my teenager's Curves Sneakers at the store for $30 when I can get them from Avon for $25,  with in the least an additional 20% off.  That's a $10 savings on a pair of shoes times that by 4 kids, 2 times a year, added on to everything else I saved money on...BAM! secondary monies! This also includes companies that partner with Avon meaning they give us deals on everything from phone service to prescriptions and health insurance.

There is also the incentives. A wonderful form of secondary income from Avon. How this works is Avon sets a goal, you meet the goal, you get a gift for doing so. Small incentives start at a full size product say a $30 bottle of the newest Anew product coming out. (use it, sell it up to you) Then they get bigger, bundles of products, cash, coffee makers, pillows, dinners, grills, IPads, computers, trips even cars! Yes you have to work for them, meet those goals, earn it!!  They are very nice when you do. My goal right now, working on earning that trip to Florida!

Money can be made by selling Avon and if you are interested in joining my team please feel free to sign up today !   Sign up by June 5, 2015 and be able to earn an incentive right off the bat! Get your first qualifying order in by June 16, 2015 and get a free watch!
This could be yours free!

Or message me here for more info! 


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