Recruiting Avon Representatives

This is what I do. I don't just sell Avon, I am a team leader. I have a team now that scales 3 generations with 22 reps. making it up. In short I am a manager of this team. I am paid for doing this job based on the teams sales, earning a commission off of that. Of coarse there are other great incentives, savings plans, insurance, checks, trips and more.  I ♡ My team. I fully invest in those who want the help and consider them family. They span from New Jersey  to Idaho.  Those wishing to join my team can contact me here or hop on to my site to sign up online. There is a small cost, $15. The price most people spend on lunch and in return you get business tools, full size products, free e-store and more! Feel free to ask any questions about this!


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