No more cable, no more dish!

Did you read that right? Did I say no more cable! No dish? No T.V.? I did, I did, well to the cable and dish anyway.  We did in fact turn off out dish service a couple months ago and we haven't missed it at all. Now I am not saying we do not watch T.V., because we do. Just not via the big companies anymore. we have many new options.

You may ask why we would turn off the T.V., and it's a good question. I was sick and actually sitting in our living room for days and watching what my family did. It took no time for me to realize we didn't watch regular T.V., in fact minus 3 shows we didn't use it at all! The Netflix, used, but not the dish service.  So after a little exploring to see if we could watch these 3 shows else where for little to no extra cost it was a no brainer to turn off the over $80 a month service.  Yes we pay for some services but all in all we save so much money on something we didn't use. One of the shows we watch we couldn't get for free but even at $25 a season, 2 seasons a year we still save money after 1 month and we subscribed to one more service for shows and movies. The break down came down to this. 1 year of our dish service and Netflix was (all numbers are rounded up to nearest dollar) $89 a month.  We now pay $16,  that's $73 a month saved. Total a year with our old services was $1068. Now, plus say 2 shows that need to be purchased at 2 seasons a year, our cost is  $292 a year! That is a savings of $776 a year. Now by all means if you watch your cable all the time keep it. We just don't and there just was no reason not to save that money.


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