Gluten Free Baked Coconut Rice Pudding, homemade dessert recipe

I have a confession, I ♡ rice pudding! There I said it!  Now I don't mean the stuff out of a box with rice mixed in. No I mean good old fashioned baked rice pudding. The creamy dense kind. I also have a pre schooler with a new found infatuation with coconut. Combine that with trying to eat less processed foods, especially sugars I set my self to a challenge to make a rice pudding that was yummy, had no white sugar and had coconut.  Now I'm not completely paleo or anything so I did use white rice, actually we had a quart of it left over from take out so good way to use that up, right? Well trials 1-4, yup epic failures. 5, now 5 is a keeper! So I share with you my Baked coconut rice pudding.

Ingredients :
1 quart cooked white rice
1 can organic  regular coconut milk (sweetened if you like a sweeter pudding)
1/4 cup local raw honey
2 eggs
1 tsp. Organic Vanilla extract
1 cup grated organic coconut

Pre heat oven to 350°
In a bowl beat together coconut milk, eggs, vanilla and honey. Fold in rice and pour mixture into greased ceramic or glass dish. I used a glass loaf pan.  Sprinkle with grated coconut.
Bake for 30-40 minutes until creamy but not runny.
Now even with unsweetened coconut milk this was sweet enough for me, a couple people in my home added honey drizzled on top. That's a personal thing.

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