Keeping Homeschooled Kids Motivated!

I have been home schooling my kids since the spring of 2009. Yes we pulled our kids out mid year to start this grand adventure. Often people look at me like I'm a crazy and that's ok. They don't know about homeschooling from experience so I get asked a few questions, pretty much from everyone and the top one is, "How do you get the kids to do anything?" Personally in my head I always think, "Why can't you get your kids to do things?", but that's not socially safe to say or any of my business so I give our how. Our everyday routines, rewards, fun curriculum and discipline. Bla bla bla... The usual book style answer people expect to hear but the truth is though all of those things are important there is one thing, one thing that tops them all, Us. It's not about forcing them to learn it's about inspiring them to learn. Meaning of Us: Our immediate family, our families and friends. This is where the true inspiration comes from. We ...