Disney On a dime a few tricks that are affordable!
Well as a family we finally had enough money saved up to take that much anticipated Disney World trip! Every penny went to savings, I mean this literally, as we saved a huge jar of change for this. Every coin we got as change went into this jar. The kids did odd jobs around the block to have spending money as well as stashing birthday money. We drove the 20 hours instead of flying all 6 of us which saved a huge chunk but maybe a little loss of sanity.... All that and by the time we had the arrangements made there wasn't a whole lot of cash left to buy mementos. That doesn't mean we didn't get any though! We brought home a bunch of little goodies!
First and foremost plan your trip well. Watch for deals on the meal plan especially. You may look at the cost of the meal plan and think you can do better, and if you only eat the fast food you can come close but this plan is so very worth it if you have any thoughts on eating in the good sit down restaurants and character meals. Not to mention no need for fast pass to meet some of the characters. Bonus to this is the characters come to you, no waiting on line to meet them! Great photo ops and personal interaction with the characters. With the plan (which you get only if you stay in the park resorts) comes a travel mug for each guest that is refillable at any of the resorts. They are really cute and a nice size! On the plan you get a sit down meal, quick service meal and a snack. Your snacks count on items that you may consider a meal. For breakfast we used them for muffins and pastries as well as oatmeal in the quick service area of our resort. In the parks we got salads and cheese filled pretzels for the long in-betweens of big meals. Even still we had snacks left over and what's a better smile maker then a chocolate eared Mickey rice krispie treat? We had 9 snacks left and used them all on our way out! The kids were happy to be "buying" character lollipops and what not while we didn't have to shell out any extra.
The other option to look for while planning is the Memory Maker. This is really cool and I am so impressed with what we got. For your money, your entire group (you can combine reservations, for us that was three groups coming up to 9 people) is on the photo pass plan. Everywhere you go there are photographers to snap your picture. Just scan your magic band ( a nifty bracelet each person gets and is they key to rooms and meal plans) and everything is sent to your account. They are not cheap about the photos either! 5 days, 9 people and we have about a 1000 professional pictures! Not to mention video of us on some of the big rides like Tower of Terror. Even cooler yet are the magic moment photos and videos. Just ask and the photographer will pose you, your kids or all of you for special shots. Later when you look through your shots you'll find video of Tinker Bell flying around you, Stitch popping up out of the ground or Jiminy Cricket in your hand! The Photographers are at all the character meetings, many rides, scenic spots all over the parks, character meals, and even in Down Town (changing to Disney Springs) . You have 30 days to download them all to use as you wish.
Once the planning is done it's all about the stuff! When you get to Disney ask at the front desk for their pins collection. There are pins for just about everything. If it's your first visit, engagement, honeymoon, anniversary, birthday and so on! Even if your just celebrating something personal they have a pin for that. Then wear the pins. Everywhere you go the employees are trained to look for those pins. Extra attention, pictures, and in some places desserts will be given to you for free! There are other spots in the parks that offer free pins as well. The Behind the Seeds tour has conservation pins for those who go on it or buy something at that spot.
Don't buy bottled water! Get free ice water at any quick service restaurant in the park! As water is over $2 a bottle this was a major money saver for our budget. 9 of us at $2 a bottle would be $18 a shot, we got water every hour or so (it was over 90 every day we were there) so saved easily a $100 a day or $500 for the week! If you're eating at the quick service at your hotel fill your mug and take a bottle of water, soda or whatever that comes with your meal for later.
Getting Character autographs is a great way to get something without having to spend a lot of money. In fact a quick dollar store visit got us pen and pad sets, all Disney characters, to use while there. $1 versus the upwards of $10-20 the autograph books sell for in Disney. If you forget to get a book make one at the end of your trip. Each morning grab up the coasters in your room. Have the characters sign the backs and when you get home pop a hole in the tops and tie together. Bam autograph book with each page having a picture of the Magic Kingdom and an autograph. Oh and every room is given a small pad of paper and branded pen to use as well.
All over the parks are penny squishing machines. For $0.51 each person can mechanically smoosh a picture onto a penny. Some of our change was squished... ok a lot of changed was squished as we found a project to turn them into jewelry. I can not express how much fun my kids and husband had ferreting out these machines and cranking the levers. There are quarter squishers too, but they do cost a bit more.
Last thing. Grab up your soaps. We didn't need to use more then one bar of soap a day, we were barley in the rooms. So each day my youngest collected the new packages of soap and packed them away. She came home all excited to have Mickey soap at home, and we have enough to last us a while!
The expense of Disney is daunting but well worth it. We have a ton of memories and a few little tidbits along with a boat load of pictures to hold us over while we save up for another trip!
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Don't buy bottled water! Get free ice water at any quick service restaurant in the park! As water is over $2 a bottle this was a major money saver for our budget. 9 of us at $2 a bottle would be $18 a shot, we got water every hour or so (it was over 90 every day we were there) so saved easily a $100 a day or $500 for the week! If you're eating at the quick service at your hotel fill your mug and take a bottle of water, soda or whatever that comes with your meal for later.
Getting Character autographs is a great way to get something without having to spend a lot of money. In fact a quick dollar store visit got us pen and pad sets, all Disney characters, to use while there. $1 versus the upwards of $10-20 the autograph books sell for in Disney. If you forget to get a book make one at the end of your trip. Each morning grab up the coasters in your room. Have the characters sign the backs and when you get home pop a hole in the tops and tie together. Bam autograph book with each page having a picture of the Magic Kingdom and an autograph. Oh and every room is given a small pad of paper and branded pen to use as well.

Last thing. Grab up your soaps. We didn't need to use more then one bar of soap a day, we were barley in the rooms. So each day my youngest collected the new packages of soap and packed them away. She came home all excited to have Mickey soap at home, and we have enough to last us a while!
The expense of Disney is daunting but well worth it. We have a ton of memories and a few little tidbits along with a boat load of pictures to hold us over while we save up for another trip!
Need a way to make that money to go to Disney? I can help you with that! Join my Avon team and make the money you need and want.
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