Yummy Vintage Dessert Fruit Salad

24- Hour Salad
(fruit salad)

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I don't know about you but, I am always looking for something different to make. I search around on Pinterest and find a million and one like recipes all over the place and nothing too original 90% of the time. So I have taken, as always, to delving into the past. Paging through cookbooks and forgotten recipes. While searching for a salad to go to a potluck with me, I found this one! Modern day versions can be found I am sure but they don't always have the character in flavor and texture these older recipes contain. 

Before pre-packaged pudding mixes, homemade custards and sauces were made to top all sorts of recipes, and this one definitely fits that line of recipes. Do not be afraid of the egg! It thickens as it cooks in the double boiler, and yes, package pudding could be used but, it will not be the same texture and taste that this will have at all. Do you run the risk of making sweet scrambled eggs? Yes, yes you do. Just take it slow and steady and that won't happen.  I also suggest using butter instead of margarine. The fat solids are different, making the taste and texture different.

The presentation can be done, as in this glorious picture from the 1960s if one likes that style. Decking it out with melon slices might not be your thing. Personal style can easily be achieved. Serving bowls changed up, individual bowls, ice cream cone bowls, dark chocolate cups, or cookie crusts can all be used successfully. Top with chocolate shavings of any darkness, chopped nuts for texture or, even the melon cut into cute flowers. 

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