Creamy Zucchini Dip! Keto friendly recipe, cucumber

The season is upon us. The zucchinis have invaded our homes! Like many people who have had that bumper crop of these summer squashes you may be trying to find ways to use them up. Now of coarse you can grill, roast, fry and can them as well as pickle and or freeze them, but sometimes you just need something else too.  This dip is creamy and perfect to take with you to bar b ques and picnics or just to chow down on in front of the t.v..  Have a kid not to keen on the zukes? This may just be your opening to enlighten their taste buds!  Not to mention very easy and quick to make!

1 7-8" zucchini chopped small
1 8 oz. package cream cheese
1 8 oz. container sour cream
seasoned salt of choice per taste

This is pretty simple. Cream the cream cheese and sour cream until smooth. Stir in the zucchini and then season with your favorite seasoned salt to taste.  Serve up with veggies, chips, pita or pretzels.  The base is simple and other veggies can easily be substituted for the zucchini. Cucumbers,  yellow squash, red peppers are all great choices!

Update 8/9/17
Below is the nutritional info via the recipe being put into the recipe adjuster on MyFitness pal. This is the version with cucumber and is keto friendly. I like to top of steak, burger and even eggs with it since I don't do carbs.

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