That Jerky thing!

NATURAL BUFFALO JERKY BUFFALOS PEPPERED TWO 2.7 OZ BAGS So this is how this whole Jerky thing got started in our house! We Love Jerky, pretty much any kind. So someone I know sells this brand and we love to eat it. We were buying so much for our selves (there are six of us in our home) I looked into seeing if it would be cheaper if I become a rep. and yes, it is. So I signed up to sell Jerky Direct (you can too! Click Me ) and for a little bit I just bought for our family. I put it up here on mu blog because why not right. Then a friend had some at our family gathering and began ordering online. Then another and now well I make enough to buy the jerky for my family which is nice and hoping to build it up a little more. The above Jerky is a formed version which my kids have completely fallen in love with. It is Peppered BuffalOs and has a great Peppered Flavor and is made from Buffalo raised without added hormo...