Pectin Free Vanilla Plum Jam with Chia Seeds

Like so many things lost in the modern world the art of jam and jelly making without pectin has almost been lost. It doesn't need to be this way though! Yes, yes a little more time is needed to cook these old fashioned style delights but it is well worth the time. I will admit I have never used plums before. I in fact went to the orchard for peaches (which I got 1 1/2 bushels off) but when I saw those plums, so ripe I could smell them, well, about a bushel of them came home. So of coarse I had to pull out my vintage recipe books and look around for some to uses. Some are drying, some are canned and some are jammed. In an old church book I found a simple recipe I could put my own spin on. The one I found was a simple, just 3 ingredients, plain Jane nothing added jam and from there I took off. With a little knowledge from experience I knew by adding a liquid in this case vanilla I would want more acid so the amount of lemon needed to be adjusted. So it...