Protein Chocolate Truffles, low carb and Keto option candy
Avon introduced our Espira Line last year and since then Avon and it's reps have come up with some tasty ways to use our plant power protein powders ! This is one given to us by our wonderful company to share with all of you. Now we do offer two flavors of our powder which gives you a whole other set of flavor options! Yum, yum, yum and a little less guilt! There are links in my blog posts. Some lead to affiliate pages or my Avon shop. Monies/rewards may be earned off any purchases or sign ups done through these links Cookies may be tracked by affiliated links What's so great about our Espira plant based powders? Well with 21 grams of natural plant protein†(from sprouted quinoa and amaranth, yellow peas and globe artichokes). these shake mixes not only taste yummy but are o nly 120 calories per serving. Each p rovides all the essential amino acids as whey protein†and has f ruit enzymes make it easy to digest. No massive bouts of gas and...